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Our natural Beech Wood is ideal for all types of fireplaces, stoves and professional Piiza Ovens.

Our Legna is cut to 3 *specific sizes...

Corta (short)

Short pieces measuring approx. 6cm in thickness and 35cm in length, neatly packaged in boxes of approx.14kg.

Sottile (thin)

Thinly cut pieces measuring approx. 3cm in thickness and half a metre in length, neatly packaged in boxes of approx. 14kg.

Doppia (double-thickness)

Each piece is the thickness of 2 of the Sottile pieces and measures 6cm in thickness and half a metre in length, neatly packaged in boxes of approx 14kg.

* There are three distinct sizes which are machine-cut. Measurements are not exact.

The choice of Master pizza makers.

Legnaturale 25cm in length logs. Purpose sourced beech-wood from Italy. The wood produces as little smoke as naturally possible yet leaves a nice smoky and woody flavour to the pizza.

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